
Posts Tagged ‘learning from failure’

There is a well – known saying that ‘success attracts success and failure attracts more failure’.  Or at least its something close to that.  Either way it’s pretty much the truth.

And the idea of it used to scare the crap out of me.

You see I didn’t really understand it.  I didn’t have a clear definition of success or failure.  More importantly I would struggle with the last part.  I mean, if I screw up doesn’t that mean I’m now destined to continue that cycle?  I really struggled wrapping my head around this idea.

No, no, no!  That is not what I wanted at all; so I would kill myself making sure I didn’t fail or mess up. At least not too badly! I became what I used to call a perfectionist.  Now I realize it’s a terribly deep, ingrained fear of being stuck in the failure trap.

Here’s the truth.  There is no trap.  It doesn’t exist unless you make it so.

Let me give you some examples.  I would work on school projects til the wee hours of the morning.  I’d change this or that, edit until the words swam in front of my eyes and re-write til my hand felt numb.   I once had a job at a fast food place (no, I won’t say which one) and I hated it.  I really, really did but I still worked my tail off and would even stay til after my shift to ensure that ‘my’ stuff was done and done right. 

Then I started University.  I had to wait a year to go to earn some money but I decided to take a night class to get my feet wet so to speak.  What I didn’t know is this particular class was about to teach me a lesson not related to psychology. 

Big secret reveal – I totally bombed my first paper.  Failed it; I mean REALLY failed it…I was horrified, devastated, mortified and embarrassed.  I wanted to run and hide but thankfully the Universe is kind, even in its harshest lessons.  The professor with over 500 students didn’t have time to see me anytime soon.  I was desperate to find out what I did wrong.  After all the next paper was coming up! My goodness that feeling of failure and feeling lost was hard to swallow.  Then the blessing arrived in the form of an upper class TA.  She offered to quickly look over my paper.  The content was good but the format was all wrong. 

Turns out this is a pretty common problem for first year students.  In fact, the University runs a workshop during FROSH week to get everyone on board because so many are not taught proper format for different papers in high school. Of course, because I wasn’t a regular student (one class only) I had no idea.  She also told me that she bombed her first paper too and not to worry because University is all about learning.

What a blessing this woman was to me.  She suggested the reference book that could help me, which I not only bought but ended up almost wearing out by the time I finished school.  Even with that failure, I managed a B+ in that class at the end of it all.  Not too shabby a jump!   I often thank her again silently when I think about it.  She gave me about 15 mins of her time and shared some of her knowledge and it changed my life.   I wonder if she knows…

The lesson this class gave me was two-fold.  Failure isn’t a cycle you can’t break.  What seems like a minor kindness to you, can be everything to someone else. 

But I want to talk more about this failure business.  I realized something that day, the day of my first big, public crash and burn.  I was okay.  I didn’t die, or get ridiculed.  No one branded me with a giant ‘F’ on my forehead to tell the world I was now just a big ol’ failure. 

In fact, no one but me really gave it much thought.  I had good enough sense to try to figure it out and that made all the difference.  failure

My failure morphed into a lesson that created success. 

I changed my path; broke the cycle or whatever you want to call it because of my mental mindset and my attitude.

I could have done things differently.  I could have cried into my pillow and then just given up assuming that I wasn’t cut out for higher learning.  Trust me, there were a few people in my life who would  have supported that decision.  I easily could have taken that path and there would have been easy ways to justify it.

But I didn’t.

This is why I say to you there is no failure trap other than one of your own making.   It’s all in how you handle your mess ups. 

Have some faith that you can and understand that failure just means that you still have something to learn


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There is no other basic lesson around mindset that you need to know or that I can teach until you understand that your mindset precedes your level of achievement.  Every single time.

It doesn’t really matter what activity you are taking on.  Your mindset plays a very big role in your level of achievement in that task and how you think you performed it.

If you begin something; be it an everyday minor activity or a brand new, exciting role; your mindset plays a big part in how you begin and you will end. 

Good or bad; your mindset has a hand in it all. 

Mr Napoleon Hill had this one bang on.  When you think about it and believe in it you can achieve just about anything you set out to do.  And the opposite is also true. When your belief system tells you that ‘failure is where you’ll end up anyway’ and that ‘it will be hard’ and on and on…you begin to believe this to be the truth. It’s call a self-fulfilling prophecy (You can learn more about that in my book Shine On!)

And this is all independent of any sort of reality. The important thing to understand here is that you can alter what is true for you with your determined belief. 

Most people I think believe that a good attitude will make things easier and a bad attitude will make things seem even more yucky than they perhaps have to be.  I rarely get anyone challenging that.  However, I get good and challenged on the deeper understanding of how powerful our mindset and belief system are.

The most common jab I get?  Well, if that’s true can’t I just really believe I can fly and just start flapping my arms?  Or something along those lines anyway.

I’ll be honest, I first thought these same kinds of things when I started my own journey into my spirit.  It took some time and reflection and I realized someone already DID that

Remember the Wright brothers?  It took them 4 years of trying, experimenting and failing (yup..failing) before they had their belief rewarded with that first delicious success of a flight! The flight lasted only 20 seconds and went 120 feet.  Not much by today’s standards but amazing none the less.

My point is…yes you can believe and learn to fly.  Maybe not by flapping your arms…but you can certainly learn to fly.  But first, you have to choose to believe you can!

Share with me a time when your beliefs either held you back or propelled you forward.  Hey! Shifts happen!

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You  know how I often talk about an issue and then admit I am dealing with the same thing but do my best? YEs…well here’s the perfect example.

Most of my regular readers know that I do my best to post twice a week, Tuesday and Friday.  This week however I blew it, totally didn’t happen for Friday. 

Why?  Well I could give you a ton of ‘reasons’ (last day with my Korean kids and it was crazy busy, I haven’t been feeling great due to a summer cold, and so on) but in fact these are just excuses.  There was nothing holding me back from sitting down earlier and getting my post ready in advance as I’ve done before when I KNOW my life is getting a  bit crazy.  I could have switched on my computer instead of plunking my butt down in front of the tv to watch something I can’t even remember right now!  I was just a tired and distracted and allowed that to be what I chose to be important.

Could-a, would-a, should-a.

Fact is these are all just excuses for me procrastinating because I was a bit tired and the thought of typing was not attractive at all.  I slid back into my old habit of I’ll do it tomorrow…bright and early!  I know better than that. I NEVER get to it bright and early because I am just not a bright and early kinda girl lol. 

So, my post today is not to berate myself but to share that even the coach has days like that.  We all slip up, goof up and mess up.  So, back to it today.  I’m going to try hard to get a few post in the que to save this from happening again.  I am going to shake off the inclination to berate myself and just push forward.  I am going to say oops. Then carry on with some compassion for myself and learn something from the goof up.

After all, falling down does not a failure make…staying down does.


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Ever have one of those days when even getting dressed seems like it might be impossible?  You know, zipper breaks, that shirt isn’t ironed, sweater developed a hole.  Ugh..I think we often call those days Monday’s right? We know if we just persevere it will get better (you know, by friday!)

Following your dreams can be like this.

We have lovely phrases like chase your dreams, or follow your bliss but sometimes in all reality you have to fight for them.  It isn’t always butterflies and rainbows and I’m sure you know that but sometimes we really have to struggle.  Where is your line in the sand? At what point do you stop playing sweet, stand your ground and have to get stubborn?

Trust.  That is what it is all about.  You have to trust in your vision; your dream.  You have to trust in yourself

Failure.  It happens.  Learn from it; adjust your vision and keep moving.  Not one single living being can say they have never failed–it isn’t the failing–it’s the way you react to it that matters.

Ask for help.  Even Superman needed a hand now and again. You simply do not have the time to know all, be all and do all.  You’ll go crazy, burn out and certainly not be any fun to be around if you try.

Set the bar high.  You know I just don’t understand some people who reach the goal they’ve set out and then stop.  Clearly, if you got there you can get farther and do more!  Go for it!  If you are worried see the line on failure!

I honestly think that if more people had the fortitude to fight through the tough times we’d have more dreams being realized.  I wonder how many people fail and never try again? 

 Imagine if Michael Jordan had listened to his high school basketball coach who told him he wasn’t good enough.  How many did that man inspire with his strength of character?  Imagine if Thomas Edison had quit after failing so many times while trying to create the light bulb.  Over 10,000 versions that still did not work.  When asked by a reporter how he kept going in light (no pun intended) of all these failures and why didn’t he just give up? Edison replied ““You don’t understand, I haven’t failed 10,000 times, I’ve simply succeeded in finding 10,000 ways that definitely won’t work.”

Just know that failure isn’t a personal punishment, it’s an opportunity to learn.  Struggles keep us focused and teach us appreciation. We learn and we learn.  Keep hanging in there and you will soon reach your own ‘Friday’ and things will get better.  Keep reminding yourself that you are failing in order to win.

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